PAST Grants
Artists Resiliency Fund Grant
Art and creativity are essential to our resilience as a community to get through hard times.
In response to the economic hardships many creative individuals and organizations have and continue to face due to the pandemic, Culver Arts launched the Arts Resiliency Fund, which provides grants to help local artists pay their utilities and other basic expenses so that they can maintain focus on their creative endeavors and imagine new possibilities through their artwork.
The Arts Resiliency fund has now been extended to local non-profit organizations to help meet operational expenses. Grants of up to $5,000 each will be provided, for a total of $50,000. See the link above to apply; deadline is September 30th.
The arts will always be the last to recover from the current hardships. Help us spread the word to raise funds for this critical program and support our vital artist community. Support the Arts Resiliency Fund today!
Stay up to date on the Arts Resiliency Fund and other news from Culver Arts by supporting (in broad category), Arts Grants, Facilities and Equipment Grants and Experience/Scholarship/Mentor Grants, Culver Arts is able to direct funds to programs in need as well as develop programs that serve local artists and the community.


Art and creativity are essential to our resilience as a community. In response to the economic hardships many creative individuals faced during the pandemic, between 2020 – 2022 Culver Arts offered small Resiliency Grants to help local artists pay basic expenses so that they could maintain focus on their creative endeavors.
- Diego Aldabaldetrecu
- Lenora Ashby
- Brenda Barniga
- Kim Borgaro
- Gregg Brevoort
- Annie Brown
- Mark Broyard
- Tania Class
- Darlene Conte
- Robert Gilliam
- Miyah Greenwood
- Ceylon Harris
- Erin Kane
- Emer Kinsella
- Brian Knoebel
- Christopher Lyons
- Derek Owings
- Rhianna Pinkus
- Arthur Pochon
- Julian Ramirez
- Glenn Spann (MoDMaN)
- Jay Tran
- Amie Williams
- Aneesa Shami Zizzo
In 2022, Culver Arts offered grants up to $5,000 to Culver City arts organizations to support their ongoing operating costs. Intended to assist the many local arts organizations that have been facing economic hardship over the past few years, this grant funding was not tied to a specific program or activity, but was intended to offset general overhead expenses, such as rent, utilities, and administrative salaries/benefits, office equipment, technology, and materials, or be used to increase accessibility. Culver Arts wants local arts organizations to remain in Culver City, grow and reach wider audiences, and spend less time keeping the lights on and more time making art and inspiring creativity.
- Academy of Visual & Performing Arts Foundation AVPA
- Actors' Gang
- ArtsUP! LA
- Cadfab Creative
- Cinefemme
- Culver City Chamber Orchestra
- Culver City Historical Society
- Culver City Public Theatre
- El Marino Rainbow Taiko
- Global Girl Media
- Invertigo Dance Theatre
- Jazz Hands For Autism
- Los Angeles Doctors' Symphony Orchestra
- Monarch Theatre Guild
- New American Theatre
- Rediscover Center
- VOX Femina Los Angeles
- Wende Museum
- Westside Youth Orchestra